
I built the Ork Junkernaught using the really cool Armour Bundle. Its a set of armour plates with all the most popular ones from our range at a whopping 50% off.It is a super fun set to mess about with and build what you want. I decided to make a big chompy robot thing, the Junkernaught! Below is a nice photo, followed by a step by step guide to me making it, and then some more shots of the painted model at the end.

These are the tools and materials I used to make my big bot. I also used superglue, plasticine and hot glue to assemble this with. For a guide on how to clean up and use the Armour Bundle please follow this link.

I started out by assembling a crude shape from

Then did a bit of a “dry fit” before assembly.

Then I started glueing on bits from the Armour Bundle. A small amount of plasticine with some super glue to fix the plates in place

I used an old pencil for some tubing. I used it in a couple of places on the build. I also used old electric wires to add some detail.

Its easy to bend the resin plates. I put mine in a cup of very hot water. This softens them enough to ben. Be careful you don’t get scalded! This is how I did the shoulder plates.

This is the model finished and ready for painting.

Finally, here are a selection of images of the final painted model.

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About Curtis Fell 55 Articles
Owner of ramshackle games and established animator, miniature sculptor, mould maker and resin caster.

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