I built the Ork Junkernaught using the really cool Armour Bundle. Its a set of armour plates with all the most popular ones from our range at a whopping 50% off.It is a super fun […]
I built the Ork Junkernaught using the really cool Armour Bundle. Its a set of armour plates with all the most popular ones from our range at a whopping 50% off.It is a super fun […]
Ramshackle Games offers a wide selection of awesome armour plates. They are a really fun and versatile parts that can be used in a variety of ways to embellish and convert your models. I added […]
Spaceships! I made a fleet of ships from my Spaceship Detail Kit mixed with junk I had. I have made a web page with high-res photos on it and a bit more of a write […]
Occasionally Ramshackle Games will accept painting commissions. The Order of the Knights of Grimdark are the latest army to roll off the painting table. They represent a Bretonian order of questing knights, who having fallen […]
20mm JUST ARMOUR AND ASSEMBLY GUIDE A new set of armour plates has been added to the web shop. These plates are great for converting your toy cars into cool looking post-apoc death machines. Gaslands […]
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