I built the Ork Junkernaught using the really cool Armour Bundle. Its a set of armour plates with all the most popular ones from our range at a whopping 50% off.It is a super fun […]
I built the Ork Junkernaught using the really cool Armour Bundle. Its a set of armour plates with all the most popular ones from our range at a whopping 50% off.It is a super fun […]
Sean sent me these amazing photos of his Gnu armoured transport. The kit’s back door can be left un-glued and Sean has done a great version of this. I think the figures are Pig Iron […]
The Ramshackle Truk is now in the shop, its our latest remastered model from the Da Green One range. Please come and check out what we have been doing. Browse around the shop. You can […]
I love getting images from customers of their models made using Ramshackle Games parts. Matt Kremer and Mustafa Bekir have sent pictures of the cars they have made using the 20mm Car Conversion Set. Matt […]
Custom Bike Riders Customers sometimes send images of their finished models. I always love this and try to get them online. This post is a collection of Ramshackle Games bikes that have had riders added. […]
I made an orc truck mounted unit. I did this about 10 years ago! The vehicles were made by mixing some parts from our ranges with other scrap I had lying around! I put the […]
Spaceships! I made a fleet of ships from my Spaceship Detail Kit mixed with junk I had. I have made a web page with high-res photos on it and a bit more of a write […]
Tartan Blast started touring when the world ended, and they’re still going! Blending power dis-chords with blasting noise energy, their take on electro-grind-noise has been hugely successful. You can find Tartan Blast and their rig […]
© Ramshackle Games 2018