Gettysburg Address
Today is the 19th of November, which is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. I built some robots a while back and one of them is based loosely on Abraham Lincoln. The robot is called […]
Today is the 19th of November, which is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. I built some robots a while back and one of them is based loosely on Abraham Lincoln. The robot is called […]
I painted up a Bloodbowl team. They are a commission from Ashley Rogers. His team is called the Plyheim Argonauts apparently after Plymouth Argyle. You can see more photos in high resolution by following this […]
I love getting images from customers of their models made using Ramshackle Games parts. Matt Kremer and Mustafa Bekir have sent pictures of the cars they have made using the 20mm Car Conversion Set. Matt […]
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