Our latest release is this Goblin Gun kit. Its packed full of details. The kit comes with a set of four gun ends so you can fit it with your favourite or make them swappable. The gun is great to use in your tabletop games, whether thats post-apoc skirmishes in Nuclear Renaissance or for something like your Orks in Warhammer 40,000 it makes an eye catching piece.
We have been detailing the casting lugs on our models too, so you get some bonus detail parts when you buy a kit. They are great for harvesting the bolts from yo use in kit bashes. They also make really cool terrain.
The parts are available separately too, so you can get the wheels or gun parts for your kit-bashes and conversions.
Just the gun mounts are available as well, so you can make emplacement or use them on your bigger vehicles.
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